Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Off we go . . . .

Joe and I are off on a great adventure. Daisy has gone to visit her boyfriend and surrogate parents, Patty and Fred. (She was initially sad because Maggie's puppy has made her life intolerable) but if anyone can fix that Patty can. And Daisy does like the special early morning time with Fred when he's reading the paper and she get her ears scratched.

We're nearly packed; I'm wondering what I will discover I left in the bathroom when we get to Atlanta. All the chargers are packed, I think. I believe I have more clothes than are necessary, but at two bags each, what the heck. Besides, what would I want to buy in Argentina and Chile anyway? Certainly not wine. p.s. I've had a really low iron count so the doctor asked me if I'd had any weird food cravings. Like chocolate, I asked? No, more like blackboard chalk or dirt. Whew! No weird cravings for me. Thank goodness, I'm normal. Bring on the chocolate. I did tell him that my daughter's lab puppy had been eating dirt - did he think she was anemic? No, just a destructive puppy.

I've pledged to exercise and eat sensibly on this cruise. I have 500 hundred "free" minutes on board to access the internet. I'll keep you posted. Actually, it will be more like an open diary. I thought maybe I could give up diet sodas and processed sugar (including Splenda) on the cruise. Seems a lofty goal, much like eating chalk. Notice there was nothing about chocolate. I do like their chocolate croissants, which they have every other day. Maybe if I sleep til 1000 on those days, they'll be gone. That's a concept. Help! What have I forgotten? Maybe to go to sleep.

Tune in for stories of our great adventures. Penguin pictures to follow.

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