Thursday, March 5, 2009

What makes a friend?

What makes a friend? Off the top of my head I would probably list such things as shared experiences, trust, similar passions . . .. I look at my current girlfriends, and we have those things in common. I'm blessed with friends from high school but not so many from college. I have friends from my previous work environment, but I don't talk to them often. And, I have friends in San Antonio with whom I share hobbies, shopping and just spending time.

But I'm in Louisville right now at a big yearly militaria show that my husband lives for. It's his chance to laugh and tell funny stories with other guys who collect items from Imperial Germany (spiked helmets and such). Rather like a Diva weekend.

There are two other wives that come along. We are as different as can be. I'm the oldest; retired, etc. Another wife lives in a rural area and grinds her own flour from wheat, shears sheep and cards it to spin; and the other has been a pre-school teacher for twenty years. What we have in common is our husbands'love of collecting.

Once again, we're together. We have breakfast at 0945 at the La Quinta (right before they clean it up) and plan our day. On Day One, it's getting vittles for our husbands and taking them to the show; the guys appear to have invited everyone to stop by for sandwiches. That done, we have lunch, shop at consignment stores and Target, take naps and buy beer for the inevitable pizza party on Thurs, etc. I'm still fascinated with wheat grinding and sheep sheering as a way of life. We couldn't be more different. Our passions are different, we have no shared experiences except for once a year with our husbands. And yet, we are friends. Why? No particular reason, except we are friends. I learn so much from them and love them dearly.

Here's a toast to girlfriends - although we don't know why. We just feel that they are vital to life.

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