Friday, March 27, 2009

Nothing like a trip to Laredo

to spur on your shopping urges. No, we didn't cross the border, although from the looks of things the bridge into Mexico was crowded. Seven of us braved terrorist warnings and took a van on the the three-hour trip south of San Antonio. Our designated driver was superb. She endured six other chatty, laughing women; rain and fog. We mad an early stop at a pottery store and bought enough to fill the van. Undeterred, we moved on to a hearty lunch in order to keep up our stamina. Jewelry was the next targeted purchase. And, a fine job we did. Then the iron works where we were able to fit a huge pink flamingo and iron circle into non-existent space. We looked like clowns at the circus emerging from a VW bug. The great thing was that although we knew each other at the start not all of us were close friends. Nothing creates a bond like shopping, though, and when we returned, we joined the husbands (who came to unload the van) for a glass of wine and to toast a successful adventure. Why is it that men haven't caught on to the value of "boyfriends" like we have "girlfriends." Their loss. Here's to girlfriends.

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