Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't cry for me Argentina . . . .

Ahhh, at long last. The cruise. Why should we whine? Does anyone work for Delta? If so, shame on the baggage department. We got Joe's electric wheelchair in Buenos Aires - in many pieces. I figure to cause that much damage they must have dropped it from the airplane onto the tarmac. We've been a lot of places and it's suffered a lot of dings, but nothing that I couldn't fix. This poor thing is beyond recognition.

But, that was yesterday. We have a manual wheelchair and a strong pusher (me, the kickboxing queen). We were relatively exhausted yesterday after a day flying, but undaunted, I took an afternoon tour of Buenos Aires. We saw the normal big sites - I'd been there in 1961, but memory being what it is - they were mostly all new to me. I really wanted to see the cemetery and almost got to. When I woke up, the bus was empty except for me. Drat. Otherwise, we found Buenos Aires to be delightful. Tremendously friendly and helpful people and good food except for an overcooked steak - mine, not Joe's.

We stopped for a drink at the piano bar tonight, and I got Joe a Beck's. Then Elbert came by and asked why Joe wasn't drinking Bass. Seems he was on our cruise a year ago Christmas. He remembered us and that Nick and Joe drank Bass and that I drank white wine. (He also remembered Maggie, go figure.) I could never work on a cruise ship, I CRS. Miss y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Keep us informed of the sights, etc. You guys will be having a blast, I know. Hope you ins covers the wheelchair. What shipping line are you on? You need to explain the facebook thing to me at some point! Love, Nanc Love to Joe, too! PS What's with the profile for the comment thing?
