It's a compilation of great stories about women who have made a difference and pathed the road for the lives we live today. Her Chapter on "Friends" is particularly special as I just spent five days with friends from long ago and relatively new friends.
Just a couple of quotes that caught my imagination. "We were part of the grouop of kids who ran the student government, acted in the plays, organized the events . . . . Little did we know then that the friendships formed from those silly pastimes, the countless hours on the telephone, the sleepovers where no one slept, would in later years bring us back together through happy times and sad--through marriages and births and deaths, runaway kids and runaway husbands." All of us who have those friends are so blessed. Two of them flew all the way to Seattle for my stepson's wedding. And, it was as if no time had passed. Two other friends could not come for personal reasons and we missed them.
And three other friends also made the trip with their husbands. We all joined together as if we'd known each other forever. Another thought from Cokie is that we sometimes get so busy with mundane tasks and trivia that we don't take time to enjoy each other. The wedding provided time out to do that. She again points out that girlfriend lunches are "food for the soul." My soul was enriched this week. They made me take a time out to relax. They took over little tasks that I hadn't finished. I cherish my friends.