Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Year?!?
It's December 30 - almost New Year's Eve. I think back to all the one's that have come and gone and I'm not sure I can remember many of them. Wonder why! I do remember last year's. Joe, Nick and Maggie and I were on a South Pacific cruise. We spent Christmas Eve at Easter Island and made it to Peru for New Year's. I went to Machu Picchu, breathed the rarified air and returned to the ship for the celebration. Joe and I even stayed up for the celebration which included the traditional champagne fountain. There may even be pictures of me pouring some of the champagne.
Another I remember is one spent in New York City with my intrepid friend, Mary. Planning ahead, we knew we had to have black-eyed peas and cornbread. There aren't a lot of shopping opportunities under the Verrazano Bridge. Our first mistake was looking for a ham bone in a Jewish deli. Undeterred, we finally found one and were able to talk a fast food restaurant out of some chopped onions. The piece de resistance was the stale corn muffins we bought at a Quicky Mart right by the subway.
Prepared for New Year's Eve, we dolled up in our fur coats, caught an off-Broadway play and joined the throng in Times Square. About two hours before midnight, we decided we should leave and watch the festivities on TV rather than being caught in the crowds. Her son gave us each a champagne bottle for protection and off we went to the subway. We were staying at Ft Hamilton and thought we'd work our way back there by way of Chinatown/Little Italy. I'm not sure why that sounded like a good idea. Undaunted, we got to Chinatown; it was cold and obviously pitch black. Chinatown looks entirely different at that hour. We had to step around several guys who didn't quite make New Year's, and then avoid the white body outline of someone who had been shot. Our plan, such as it was, was to find a cozy Italian restaurant where we could watch the ball come down. All were closed for private parties, to which we hadn't been invited. At last some kind restraunteer took us in, and we were able to have a glass of champagne and cheesecake right before the clock struck midnight. I think I remember that one because we made it alive. And besides having to improvise in our tacky kitchen, we did get our black-eyed peas.
I remember roasting chestnuts once (I must have misread the directions) and cooking a live lobster. We've gone out, but it's tough to be the life of the party, when the party goes on forever. We did "do" Vegas one New Year's with our friends Nancy and Bruce. We even saw Gladys Knight and one pip. This was before budget cuts. This year it's steaks and couscous and champagne. Add a nice warm, cheery fire and Joe and I think I've got all the ingredients.
I know if I listed all my blessings in 2008, it would go on forever. Suffice it to say I'm grateful for a loving family and friends, good health and all of God's many blessings. So, if I can't remember the details - so be it. I've got the important stuff.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Circle of Love
Santa arrive about 3:00 a.m. this morning, at which point all three dogs thought it was time to eat and to go outside. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, but one of them fell down while Santa was at working causing the dogs to bark and Santa's helper to wake up. Thankfully, the fire had gone out. Since it was in the mid-50s, Santa wasn't all bundled up and could make a quick run to the car where he'd left the lotto tickets that were to go into the stockings. Fortunately, Security was not strolling by. While looking at the sleigh, I was reminded of the political cartoon that showed Santa with only one reindeer due to lay-offs. Sad, but true, so he had to work fast and furiously.
Mama in her kerchief returned to bed for another four hours of sleep. Then, let the day begin. I spend a little more time combing my hair as it seems Christmas pictures for the last four years are so horrid of me, they've been deleted. Plus, I had bought a warm comfie red thing from Soma. There are two visiting dog guests. All were decked out in holiday finery, much to their disgust. As gift opening time arrived, the camera was charged, the trash bag was positioned, everyone had drinks (coffee, water and Diet Dr. Pepper) and Christmas tree donuts. Let the madness of unwrapping presents begin.
Santa's helper got close and an infrared mouse. Momma got Nintendo DS games and an IMac. The kiddies got necessary fun stuff and the puppies got lots and lots of treats. But despite the flurry of Christmas paper and bows flying everywhere, it was the family circle that made the morning. Four of us gathered to talk, laugh, reflect, tell funny stories and love each other. For all the pre-planned activities, it is the circle of love that represents Christmas. Then, off to church at 10:00. Time to take a deep breath, sing carols, feel God's love, give thanks for all our blessings, pray for those in need.
We'd tried something new this year and that was to buy a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings at Target. I mastered the guilt of not slaving over the stove and thought I was home free. That was until I went to pick up the dinner and Target team members told me they had no record of my order. After a sharp intake of breath, the Christmas spirit prevailed, and they put a dinner together for me, but the turkey was frozen. Does anyone else remember how cold your hands get trying to pry out he turkey parts from inside the turkey? Brrrr. A wonderful dinner was had by all (we've yet to have the pumpkin pie) and then the tryptophan kicked in. I'm becoming very fond of siestas - tryptophan induced or not.
We woke up in time to spruce up for Christmas dinner with friends. Tamales, pulled-pork sandwiches, chocolate-covered cherries, whew! I remember when a box of chocolate-covered cherries had about 24 cherries in in. There are now 10. Ten! Talk about a waste of packaging.
We're home now. Mellow, happy, loved, full, sleepy, satiated. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Mama in her kerchief returned to bed for another four hours of sleep. Then, let the day begin. I spend a little more time combing my hair as it seems Christmas pictures for the last four years are so horrid of me, they've been deleted. Plus, I had bought a warm comfie red thing from Soma. There are two visiting dog guests. All were decked out in holiday finery, much to their disgust. As gift opening time arrived, the camera was charged, the trash bag was positioned, everyone had drinks (coffee, water and Diet Dr. Pepper) and Christmas tree donuts. Let the madness of unwrapping presents begin.
Santa's helper got close and an infrared mouse. Momma got Nintendo DS games and an IMac. The kiddies got necessary fun stuff and the puppies got lots and lots of treats. But despite the flurry of Christmas paper and bows flying everywhere, it was the family circle that made the morning. Four of us gathered to talk, laugh, reflect, tell funny stories and love each other. For all the pre-planned activities, it is the circle of love that represents Christmas. Then, off to church at 10:00. Time to take a deep breath, sing carols, feel God's love, give thanks for all our blessings, pray for those in need.
We'd tried something new this year and that was to buy a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings at Target. I mastered the guilt of not slaving over the stove and thought I was home free. That was until I went to pick up the dinner and Target team members told me they had no record of my order. After a sharp intake of breath, the Christmas spirit prevailed, and they put a dinner together for me, but the turkey was frozen. Does anyone else remember how cold your hands get trying to pry out he turkey parts from inside the turkey? Brrrr. A wonderful dinner was had by all (we've yet to have the pumpkin pie) and then the tryptophan kicked in. I'm becoming very fond of siestas - tryptophan induced or not.
We woke up in time to spruce up for Christmas dinner with friends. Tamales, pulled-pork sandwiches, chocolate-covered cherries, whew! I remember when a box of chocolate-covered cherries had about 24 cherries in in. There are now 10. Ten! Talk about a waste of packaging.
We're home now. Mellow, happy, loved, full, sleepy, satiated. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”- Luke 2:11-14
Friday, December 19, 2008
Chaos Reigns Supreme
But, that's OK. There's a small terrorist puppy visiting which is inciting two big dogs to total frustration. She feels better having thrown up a pair of panties that she ate two days ago. Small as she is (14-week lab) she managed to carry a small, heavy rocking horse and stash it in the older labs bed. Also three dogs who go out in the mud require some floor cleaning.
My daughter just had four wisdom teeth out. Poor thing. I'm sending out Christmas cards that didn't go out the first time - I didn't know how much postage for Pitcairn Island.
But all is cool. The woman who does my hair has called and is available for my appointment next week. I've only gained four pounds from eating M&Ms non-stop and there's a Kindle under the tree waiting for me to unwrap it. Merry Advent.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This isn't funny . . .
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dear God
From: GOD
Reference: LIFE
This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day.
I love you.
And, remember...
If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.
Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.
Now, you have a nice day.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Magic of Music
I went to a luncheon today - the food was fabulous, lots of friends to hug - but the best part was 24 high school students who sang and danced and warmed everyone's spirits. What talent! Everyone was smiling and nodding. There was foot tapping as well. They weren't selling anything; they were just celebrating the season. What a joy.
And now, my yellow lab is lying at my feet snoring and my daughter's black lab puppy has finally settled down for a long winter's nap. Long being defined as 10 minutes. My Christmas cards are done and packages are ready to be mailed. I'm going to spend the rest of the month contemplating the reason for the season and loving my family and friends.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Holiday Blessing
for all those young people who borrowed their grandma's handicapped plackard. I'm sure they're helping the economy by shopping til they drop. Besides, they're parked close to the door so they don't have to lug all those gifts too far.
My sympathy to the woman in tall pumps getting out of a Hummer and proceeding to carry a box into the mall.
I also want to give a cheery greeting to the really overweight guys, who park in a handicapped spot so their sprightly spouses can run quickly into the store.
Also blessings to the folks who park over the striped area where a van's ramp is supposed to deploy. It's OK, my husband has a motorized wheelchair so we can park in the back of the lot and he can speed to the door.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Anyone need any cookies?
I'd made a decision to whatch what I ate this week. Goodness knows last week was a bit chocolate-laden. And what to my wondering eyes should appear but a tin of cookies from another woman in my kickboxing torture session. I might add that's she's young, fit, sweet, energetic and great looking, even at 7:00 in the morning, with no make-up. You know the type. Well, you also know that to not eat the cookies would be ungracious. So much for watching what I eat. That really seems a misnomer. Of course, I watch what I eat; who eats with their eyes closed?
I subscribe to dailyom.com. I don't read them all especially when my mailbox is full. But, I did today. It's message, summarized, hit the spot today - as I was eating my cookies. . .
The Joy Of Being
Celebrating The In-Between Times
While celebrations are intended to honor life’s more momentous occasions, much of real life tends to happen during the in-between times. While moving from one moment in time to the next is seldom considered a significant occurrence, it is during those in-between times that we are most in tune with life’s most profound, albeit simple joys. . .
The in-between times are seldom about landmark moments. How you choose to celebrate them or which moments you choose to celebrate is up to you. You may want to celebrate the simple facts that you are alive and that every day is a chance to spend time with the people you care about or do the work that you love. Then again, when you look at the good that exists in your life, many reasons for celebrating the in-between times may become clear: a cup of your favorite tea, a beautiful sunrise, a good book, and the smell of fresh air can be reasons for celebration.
Celebrating the in-between times can be as easy as paying special attention to them when they do happen, rather than taking them for granted. It’s your focus of attention that can turn an in-between time into a celebration. You can also pay homage to the in-between times by slowing down and allowing yourself time to look around and allow your heart and mind to take in all of your life’s wonders. Far too often, we can let those simple moments of awe pass us by. The in-between times are when life happens to us between the pauses that we take to honor our milestones occasions. Without the in-between times, there would be no big moments to celebrate.
I subscribe to dailyom.com. I don't read them all especially when my mailbox is full. But, I did today. It's message, summarized, hit the spot today - as I was eating my cookies. . .
The Joy Of Being
Celebrating The In-Between Times
While celebrations are intended to honor life’s more momentous occasions, much of real life tends to happen during the in-between times. While moving from one moment in time to the next is seldom considered a significant occurrence, it is during those in-between times that we are most in tune with life’s most profound, albeit simple joys. . .
The in-between times are seldom about landmark moments. How you choose to celebrate them or which moments you choose to celebrate is up to you. You may want to celebrate the simple facts that you are alive and that every day is a chance to spend time with the people you care about or do the work that you love. Then again, when you look at the good that exists in your life, many reasons for celebrating the in-between times may become clear: a cup of your favorite tea, a beautiful sunrise, a good book, and the smell of fresh air can be reasons for celebration.
Celebrating the in-between times can be as easy as paying special attention to them when they do happen, rather than taking them for granted. It’s your focus of attention that can turn an in-between time into a celebration. You can also pay homage to the in-between times by slowing down and allowing yourself time to look around and allow your heart and mind to take in all of your life’s wonders. Far too often, we can let those simple moments of awe pass us by. The in-between times are when life happens to us between the pauses that we take to honor our milestones occasions. Without the in-between times, there would be no big moments to celebrate.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
About the idea of "taking a break."
What great advice. Breathe deeply, slow down. Have we had Thanksgiving yet? Surely it's not December already. Thanksgiving is a time to share the blessings. My friend, Katie, the hostess suprema, invited us to share her family's Thanksgiving meal. Family and friends and God's blessings. You could find them all at her house Thanksgiving evening. And, there are so many things to be thankful for. Or as my mother would have preferred, so many things for which we are thankful.
Now the aftermath. I printed the Christmas cards at Costco; bought the stamps, wrote a tiny little note to go in them. I think I need a nap.
I thought about not doing Christmas cards, by my husband explained that this is the time to let old friends know we were thinking about them. Two years ago I hand-made the cards. No one noticed. (Venting is often useful.) OK, I feel better now. He's right, of course. So happy holiday seasons, everyone.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Speaking of friendship - and we were. . .sometimes places create the space where friendships can be nurtured. Camp Capers in West Texas is such a place. The open air chapel is just one of the places there that helps you find yourself. It's quiet, contemplative and a place where hundreds have gone to experience the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We should all have such a space to go. If not, at least a quiet sanctuary to go to give thanks for all the blessings of this world. Say a short prayer for everyone who needs one at the beginning of this holiday season. Please let them know that no one is in the fight alone. Happy Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 21, 2008
This is the season to start the rat race. It's almost time for Black Friday. I'm exhausted thinking about it. I had so much to do today that everything to do in the house got postponed. Now, I really never feel guilty about postponing laundry, but I did today. I'm so busy running here and doing errands, that I've forgotten time for me and for a cup of coffee with friends. Whoa. Stop. Look at the calendar right now and schedule "Me Time." Time to pray, meditate, journal. Stop the insanity before it gets worse. Breathe in - breathe out.
I'd recommend a wonderful combination of meditation, breathing, and walking called "breathwalk." It is energizing, calming - whatever you need it to be. Check the website at "Breathwalk.com."
I'd recommend a wonderful combination of meditation, breathing, and walking called "breathwalk." It is energizing, calming - whatever you need it to be. Check the website at "Breathwalk.com."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Vera Bradley
As I've said before, my women friends are the foundation of my life. They can also have a mischievous streak. I have long thought Vera Bradley purses looked like diaper bags and why would anyone pay that kind of money? Mea culpa, mea culpa. Innocent as I am, I accepted Patty's invitation to lunch with Kerri, Lori and Kay. It was clear from the onset that I was the interloper. Although I had a really cute little black purse with ruffles, I was no match for the Vera girls with all their little Vera inserts. I began to succumb. To say I am easily influenced, well I just don't like to think of it like that.
Suffice it to say that we had lunch at a little cafe close to a Vera store. I left with a Night Owl on-the-go purse. How was I to know that I'd return this week to add a Yellow Bird Miller tote bag, billfold and assorted other items. I feel so much better and I just love my purse and tote. What was I thinking? I have to be strong. I will not buy every little thing just because it matches. And, no. I've not already booked a plane flight to Ohio or wherever that warehouse is.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Chain Mail
'Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up
I'm never sure what to do with chain mail. Especially the ones that say send back to sender so they know you care. Maybe if i did a little better job letting them know how much they've added to my life, I wouldn't feel compelled to forward them back. (Can you forward something back?) At any rate, these seemed like good words to contemplate:
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8.. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take another look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
As an aside, however, there is a line (I think from Butch Cassidy) that goes something like . . . Morons, I have morons on my team. I met one of those yesterday. I live in a gated community with roving security. One of them stopped me because I had my Labrador, Daisy, in the golf cart with me. She loves to go for rides. Now, all dogs have to be on a leash, if not on your property. He stopped me and called his supervisor to see if a dog was in a golf cart, did it still need a leash. It must have been a slow day in the world of security. I'm trying to remember a compliment cause that just about ruined my sense of humor. My husband is grateful that I was not arrested. He does keep referring to Daisy and me as the felons. Ah well, I bought a new Vera Bradley Miller Bag to make me feel better and I'm taking Daisy out for a ride hoping I'll find the conscientious security moron.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekend Retreat
I spent the weekend at a scrapbook retreat in the Texas Hill Country. What a delight. The surroundings were unbelievable. It was quiet; the stars were magnificent; the hundreds of butterflies magical. We were there to scrapbook – an opportunity to scrapbook for 24 hours a day, if you want. Now, if you’re not into scrapbooking, you probably can’t appreciate the concept; if you are, it was “over the top.” My friend Patty convinced me to go. It wasn’t really all that difficult. But, the women from Memories Across the Miles – Kay and Lori – set a new standard for retreats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The real topic here is friendship. Someone once said “my friends have made the story of my life.” And what a story it’s been. It’s amazing that opportunities for friendship pop up in the strangest of places – well, maybe not really so strangely. Having never scrapbooked, I sort of thought, how hard can it be. So, I had about four weeks to make a scrapbook of my daughter from birth to age 16. I checked the web for stores in the area and found Scrapbook Cottage. I’d found my home away from home. And, some really incredible women (OK, Fred’s pretty good, too). Patty, one of the owners, became a special friend. I love her to death as she listens to me vent, never criticizes, tackles my tiny problems as her own and has wonderful suggestions.
There is no greater treasure than the women friends we find – no matter where. But, you have to make time to invest in those friendships. Patty and I scrapped til late, ate chocolate without much guilt, ate again and suddenly it was Sunday.
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